Top 200 Thought Leaders in BigData & Analytics
“Instead of indiscriminately marketing to the world, we have learned to shout at a handful of Influencers”
2013 is coming to an end with all the interesting stories, activities and challenges I faced while flying in the region to speak and discuss big data and analytics topics. I am glad to know that I am one of the 200 thought leaders in the Big Data industry. I am excited to be among great friends, BBBT members and leaders like Claudia Imhoff, DJ Patil, John Myers, Kenneth Cukier of Economist, James Kobielus of IBM, Jen Stirrup, William Mcknight, Marcus Borba, Derrick Harris of Gigaom, Edd Dumbill, Mike Olson of Cloudera, Michael Cavaretta of Ford Motors and many others…
You can check the full list here:
Happy Holidays and wish you all a Happy New year!